Entries by MarketBridge

Lead Nurturing Guide: 9 Best Practices for Lead Follow-up

Leads are an integral part of any salesforce strategy. Without leads the process stumbles, relying on only chance and fortune. Fostering leads is a great way to take control of your sales force, relying on expertise instead of luck. Fostering leads can be a time-consuming and challenging endeavor. It’s difficult for a sales staff to […]

Lead Nurturing: 5 Ways You Are Leaving Money On The Table

Henry Ford once said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” He said that as he rolled out the Model T which had a major revenue impact on the automobile assembly process. Eventually Ford’s Model T evolved into other cars—taking on many colors, shapes, […]

5 Metrics to Track When Building Your Lead Nurture Strategy

Whether you’re a small business struggling to connect with the social networking junkies of the 21st century, or an industry leader eager to maintain momentum in the digital space, it’s imperative to recognize the power online communities can have on your lead nurture strategy. Survival of the “digitally fittest” proves that today’s most successful marketers […]

Elevate Your Lead Scoring with the Right Content

Implementing and truly adopting lead scoring can help put companies on the path to more efficient and effective lead management and nurture processes. This ultimately helps drive better conversion rates and financial outcomes. However, it is important that your lead scoring does not stand alone. In other words, the lead score is insufficient to drive […]