Build A More Effective & Durable Revenue Engine Through Customer Success

Customer Success (CS) has evolved from a reactive customer service role into a strategic imperative for B2B organizations. Download the framework for all the details on transforming your CS function and get our checklist of 6 to-dos.

Unlocking Growth Through the Power of Key Account Programs

For all the promises KAM programs make around developing strategic relationships and driving sustainable revenue growth, almost half of key account programs fail or need to be rebuilt. Download the framework to learn how to develop a successful KAM program and get our checklist of 5 to-dos.

The Power of Aggregators in Healthcare

Aggregators are an integral part of the health insurance landscape, offering companies the choice to actively capitalize on their strengths or passively receive sales. Read the blog to learn more about the power of aggregators in healthcare.

Identify Growth Opportunities with SWOT and Ansoff Analysis

The journey to business expansion is not without challenges, but understanding where to focus your efforts can be transformational. Learn how to identify, structure, and prioritize untapped growth opportunities to increase revenue.

The Retention Imperative: Securing Long-Term Revenue Growth in Healthcare

Learn more about how health insurance carriers can positively impact retention rates and sustain revenue growth in an increasingly competitive market by embracing innovation and putting members first.

3 Steps to Using Data to Curb Member Churn and Fortify Loyalty

In this guide, we walk through three steps to mitigate member switching and enhance the member loyalty loop to secure long-term revenue growth. Download the guide to learn more.

Where Subscription Marketers Need to Focus Their Energy

With limited dollars to place on subscription services, subscription marketers must focus on 4 customer lifecycle stages to engage and delight consumers.

3 Steps to Using Data to Idle Defection Risk and Improve Retention

Your success relies on how you manage your leaky retention bucket. Download the framework on using data to idle defection risk and improve customer retention with 8 go-dos.

Executing Customer Retention in Times of Disruption

We are living through an era of ‘what’s old is new’ as it relates to retention. While executives have always understood the value of keeping loyal customers, massive market transformations have raised the stakes and forced what often was a behind the scenes ‘autopilot’ type of effort to a critical front and center strategy. Retention efforts without customer data and insights fly blind, and the best data and insights are useless if not linked to prescriptive retention execution plays…

Reboot Customer Retention: Using Data to Idle Defection Risk

Leaders must rigorously measure and track customer experience to predict which customers will defect. Watch the on-demand webinar as we cover how to reboot your customer retention with the specific data points needed to predict at-risk buyers.