B2B Buyers are Changing How They Buy; Are You Changing How You Sell?

B2B Customers have clearly changed how they conduct their buying process. Their expectations have changed as it relates to their process of evaluating product or service options, self-educating, participating in decision making groups, and ultimately deciding on and making a purchase. Customers now spend significantly more time doing on-line research, they expect to be served […]

What Is the New Buyer’s Journey?

The Ultimate Guide to the New Buyer’s Journey – Part 1: What is the New Buyer’s Journey? We’ve all seen the stats from Gartner and Forrester by 2020, more than 80% of the buying process will occur without any direct human-to-human interaction. As a result, organizations need to rethink their customer engagement strategy. This means […]

Cold Calling is Far From Dead

Type “cold calling is dead” into a basic Google search and you receive over 50,000,000 search results. Many of which are provocative thought pieces around the shift in buying behavior and how technology has made the cold call obsolete. I agree that cold calling has forever changed, but it certainly is NOT dead. Even in […]

Part 7 – Lead Scoring is the Key to Sales Productivity

The core element in creating marketing and sales connectivity is the effectiveness of the lead management and lead qualification processes. Organizations cannot establish trust between marketing and sales if the lead hand off process is broken or ineffective. Marketing must have the ability to qualify leads before passing them to sales in order for the […]

Why Isn’t Sales Following Up On Our Leads?

A little over a year ago I was asked to assess the lead generation-to-close process of a large, global enterprise company. Marketing told me that despite their best efforts, with marketing automation the company revenues were not growing as projected. But that was not all. According to Marketing, there had been little-to-no follow up on […]