Empower commercial teams to reach more customers, anticipate buying behavior, and accelerate the digital sales process to deliver value.

The Changing Face of Distribution Marketing to Seniors

When it comes to e-commerce, “rising seniors” have had 20 years to get used to secure e-commerce pages—specifically the little lock that appears on secure sites. The idea that seniors will hesitate to conduct business online is at this point probably more of a stereotype than reality.

Platform-as-a-Channel: A New Model Disrupting the Channel Partner Ecosystem

The partner channel model hadn’t changed much until a few years ago. Most groceries and consumer goods traveled through supermarkets; most cars were sold through dealers, and most manufacturing items were sold through distributors. These traditional channel models have some combination of nine traits in common, depending on the industry. Typically, for a partner to meet the definition of a “traditional”…

Cyborgs Will Beat Robots: Building a Human-AI Culture

There are two competing AI narratives bouncing around the internet. On the one hand, AI is seen as a future scourge, a technology that once unchained will push humanity past a singularity. Past this singularity, we cannot predict what will happen—but many think it won’t be good [1].

FinServ Digital Transformation: It’s All About the Data

CEOs and their leadership teams in FinServ companies—from banking to insurance to credit—are moving on to the next wave of digital transformation: data strategy and execution. While every company is at different stages of digital maturity (as are individual BUs and functions within each company), one trend is absolutely clear:

Software is Eating the World and Financial Services is Next

Like many families, my son and I both have accounts that are linked at the same bank, and of course I sometimes transfer money online when his balance gets too low. (To be fair, he works hard to earn his own money, but occasionally still needs some support!) The other day I got a notice […]

How to Make the Most of Digital Customer Loyalty Strategies

The success of pure customer loyalty strategies online depends on your brand, products, customers and execution of the program. Companies should focus on the foundation of customers and digital media to get a handle on the vast number of customer retention strategies. Companies that prioritize the customer experience generate, on average, 60 percent higher profits […]

3 Digital Tactics to Increase your Cross-Sell and Upsell Opportunities

Most marketers know that acquiring a new customer is only the first step in a long-term relationship. However, cross-sell and upsell activities are often left to sales teams whereas marketing focuses on acquisition. Did you know that having an online presence means you already have an opportunity to upsell using digital marketing? The good news […]

15 Recommendations to Improve Website Analytics – Part 3

Welcome back to our third installment of 15 Recommendations to Improve Your Web Analytics. In the last two weeks, we laid out our first six recommendations, and this week we continue on with suggestions seven through nine. By now you should be ready to begin tagging. Here are customized tagging options and plug-ins. Web Tagging […]

15 Recommendations to Improve Website Analytics – Part 2

In last week’s post, we kicked off our 5-part series of 15 Recommendations to Improve Your Web Analytics. Click here to revisit the first post. It outlines our first three recommendations to improve tracking and accurate measurement for your website, or continue reading below for our next three recommendations in the series. Once you’ve set […]

5 Website Analyses You Must Conduct Before Your Next Website Redesign

The time has come for your website redesign. You and your team have been dreaming of this moment for months, even years now. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, toss the old site aside and get the creative juices flowing. But wait! Before you say goodbye to your company or client’s weathered website (probably designed […]