5 Tips to Arm Sellers in Today’s Digital Environment

B2B Customers have clearly changed how they buy. Their expectations have changed around the buying process in terms of evaluating product or service options, self-educating, and ultimately deciding on and making a purchase. Customers now spend significantly more time doing online research, they expect to be served up content aligned to their buying process, at […]

#CEBSummit Takeaways: Insights on B2B Buying & Ways Sales and Marketing Must Adapt

At the end of October our team attended the CEB Sales & Marketing Summit in Las Vegas. Over 1,200 sales and marketing leaders convened for, what we believe to be, the most valuable B2B sales and marketing event of the year. (If you are in this space, you need to get to this conference.) The […]

Sales Teams Must Adapt to the New Customer Buying Journey

Customers have clearly changed how they conduct their buying process. Their expectations have changed as it relates to their process of evaluating product or service options, self-educating, participating in decision making groups, and ultimately deciding on and making a purchase. Customers now spend significantly more time doing online research, they expect to be served up […]

Sales Acceleration Tips to Increase Pipeline and Productivity: Part 1

Sales has changed. Because customers have changed. Customers have moved more of their buying decisions online and are less likely to respond to some of the traditional sales tactics that worked in the past. This has led to an explosion of data and technology that has fundamentally changed how we sell. The productivity opportunity for […]

“Marketing Leads are Crap!” How to Achieve Sales & Marketing Utopia

6 Questions to Ask your Sales Team to Get Buy-In Between Marketing and Sales You’ve crafted a perfect user experience that guides your prospects through the buyer journey and nudges them to perform certain behaviors that will deem them as ready to be put in contact with a sales person. Maybe you’ve even set up […]