Beyond Benefits: Enabling Brokers To Unlock Their Full Potential

Brokers are successfully building relationships with small businesses, but they shouldn’t get too comfortable…   For individuals buying and managing employer-sponsored benefits at small businesses, the support a broker provides is vital. In most cases, it is even more important than the carrier providing benefits coverage. We surveyed 205 small business owners and HR professionals and found that benefits decision-makers tend […]

Leveraging Channel Partners as Your Frontline to Sales Agility

As the technology industry landscape continues to shift towards XaaS recurring revenue models, the role of the channel is changing dramatically and forcing a new model for the vendor-partner relationship. While there are clear financial benefits of the recurring revenue transition, the underlying driver is the dramatic increase in customer control over the buying process. […]

6 Step Approach to Reinvigorating Your Competitive Positioning – Part 1

As tech competition heats up, those that innovate and work faster, better or cheaper, may win, yet while they focus on reinventing or optimizing what they bring to market, businesses that focus on how to position their solutions might be more successful in attracting buyers. In our latest whitepaper, we highlight seven principles of how […]

9 Requirements for Effective Cross-Selling in Financial Services

Our nine requirement guide for financial services companies to build effective and scalable cross-selling programs.

What Uber Teaches Us About Great Sales and Buyer Enablement

The “last mile” of revenue generation (getting a qualified lead to close) is always the biggest hurdle. Whether B2B or B2C, this ultimately requires some level of personal relationship development and product customization. Yet many times, businesses don’t realize the costs associated in qualifying a lead in the first place – despite whether or not they […]

How to Take an Omni-channel Approach to Sales Enablement

Today’s typical buyer journey was best described as, “…a big bowl of spaghetti,” at the Gartner Sales and Marketing Conference in Las Vegas. Thanks to constant innovation in digital and mobile technology, buyers now have the freedom to self-serve by researching information online and engaging with industry analysts, SMEs, and other influencers.  The real game-changer […]

How Sales Content Can Create a Consistent Experience for Tech Buyers

Every organization understands the importance of offering consistent products and services, but most don’t understand the role content can play in delivering a consistent customer experience. Consistency encourages regularity and reliability, which in turn makes customers feel safe and open to building a long-term relationship with you and your product or service. A study by McKinsey […]

Customer Acquisition

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Killing Reps Softly with Customer Data and Marketing Content

As sales leaders, we spend a lot of our time trying to figure out how to make our sales teams more productive. Selling into the sales and marketing technology space, MarketBridge sees many of our clients and peers struggling to do the same. Through that observation, an interesting and counter-intuitive trend has emerged. In an […]