Build A More Effective & Durable Revenue Engine Through Customer Success

Customer Success (CS) has evolved from a reactive customer service role into a strategic imperative for B2B organizations. Download the framework for all the details on transforming your CS function and get our checklist of 6 to-dos.

Fortune 50 Healthcare Payer Optimizes Acquisition Marketing Spend

Learn how a Fortune 50 healthcare payer optimized their acquisition marketing spend by working with MarketBridge in our case study.

Unlocking Growth Through the Power of Key Account Programs

For all the promises KAM programs make around developing strategic relationships and driving sustainable revenue growth, almost half of key account programs fail or need to be rebuilt. Download the framework to learn how to develop a successful KAM program and get our checklist of 5 to-dos.

The Superpowered CDP: Building a Go-to-Market Data Lake

Organizations struggle with the intricacies of modern marketing technology, notably traditional Customer Data Platforms (CDPs). Despite a solid 67% adoption rate, Gartner’s findings reveal a striking reality: only a mere 17% report high utilization. Explore the benefits of developing and maintaining owned, in-house Go-To-Market Data Lakes (GTMDL) as a supplement to traditional software-based Customer Data Platforms (CDPs).

A Year-in-Review: Marketing Effectiveness Trends

2023 was another fast-paced year when it came to marketing measurement. Watch the on-demand presentation for a summary of marketing effectiveness trends from 2023 and predictions for 2024.

Optimizing Member Outreach Campaigns to Improve Health Outcomes

Fortune 50 payer uses marketing analytics to increase preventive screenings and optimize spend after working with MarketBridge. Learn more in our case study.

A Year-in-Review: Marketing Effectiveness Trends

2023 was another fast-paced year when it came to marketing measurement. Download the whitepaper for an 11-page summary of marketing effectiveness trends from 2023 and predictions for 2024.

Part 2: Operations and Analytics – A Roadmap for Modern B2B Go-to-Market

The second whitepaper in our series, “A Roadmap to Modern B2B Go-to-Market,” encompasses two main topics that enable growth—Operations and Analytics. Download the comprehensive 41-page whitepaper and learn more about this 3-part series.

Channel Disruption: Navigating 5 Fundamental Shifts in Healthcare Marketing & Sales Channels

Drawing on deep industry expertise, this paper examines five disruptions impacting go-to-market strategy along with specific best practice solutions. Download the comprehensive 27-page whitepaper to learn more about navigating channel disruptions in healthcare.

Measuring the Impact of Brand Marketing on Business Growth

Businesses with direct customer ties have a unique advantage in driving sales. However, they often struggle to measure the long-term benefits of brand and upper-funnel marketing—focusing instead on short-term gains. This framework unpacks the value of brand marketing and how to measure its impact for long-term growth.